Life With A 20 Month Old
I was sitting down trying to think of a blog post to write about, and my husband said “write about Mason!” Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed I didn’t think about just writing a “life with a toddler” update!
Let’s start with the obvious statement that nothing these last few months has been normal. Everything has been out of the ordinary, but that aside, being the mom to a 20 month old is so much fun. I’ve been working from home on and off the last couple of months, so I’ve had more time with my little man and have been able to see him grow and change right before my eyes. He started back at daycare a few weeks ago, which I know is good for him, but of course it hurts this mama’s heart.
This is such a fun stage in his life. Every day he amazes me with the stuff that he does. It’s not always the “proud mama” moments, but the “where the heck did you learn to do that” stuff that makes me laugh. Mase is honestly such a happy little boy. He has the most endearing personality, and is such a little mama’s boy.
I never thought I would be so proud to see him learning shapes and colours, pointing out cars and trucks, or knowing the names for animals and the sounds they make.
I thought it would be fun to share some of my favourite moments as of late. If you watch our Instagram stories, you’ve probably seen some of these already!
Favourite Mason Moments:
1. Going for his first ice cream cone. Honestly this was the best! He loved his chocolate dipped cone and I swear he would have eaten the whole thing if we hadn’t taken it away. Now he loves to say “eye keem” lol
2. When he runs towards me and says “mommy” when I pick him up from daycare. My heart just melts. He grabs my hand and says “home” and leads the way to the car.
3. The joy he finds in everything. Honestly this is probably my absolute favourite. Seeing his eyes light up when we’re playing with bubbles, hearing him say “WOW” with the most enthusiasm at the most random things, oh mama’s heart melts. Mason also finds me to be quite the comedian and I love that (lol). He finds it hilarious when we’re running around the house and I’m chasing him, or when we play hide and seek. Something as simple as making funny faces at him or jumping around can make him laugh so hard; it’s just the best.
4. I think he is a bit compulsive. Okay a lot! Mase will get fixated on a few items, and then take them one at a time and move them from place to place all around the house. It’s hilarious to watch, but it also creates quite the mess.
5. Mason loves it when I read to him. He will grab a book, say “book…okay?” and walk backwards towards me and come sit in my lap. He’ll say some gibberish followed by a very distinct “please” until we read the same book six times in a row. Currently there are only two books that he wants to read so I am now an expert in “Picture a Tree” and “Explorers of the Wild”.
Some Not So Favourite Mason Moments:
1. Mason hurling himself backwards in the bathtub or banging his head against his highchair. I don’t know what this is all about! Once he’s done eating, he’ll bang his head backwards and I’m scared he’s going to seriously hurt himself! I’ve actually weaved a towel through the back so at least when he does it, he’s not hitting a hard surface.
2. Teething with his two year molars– OUCH. Not to mention the drool that comes along with it. Yesterday I was holding him up in the air and he drooled in my mouth and then my eyeball. That was fun.
3. The meltdowns. Oh boy we cannot leave out the meltdowns! The terrible two’s might be starting early with this one. If Mason doesn’t get what he wants, we get loads of tears. I’m not talking crocodile tears, but full on hysterics crying. If it’s time to come inside before he is ready, tears. If I don’t let him take out all the pots and pans, tears. If I don’t give him exactly what he wants when he wants it…tears. We’re working through this one! I will say things have gotten much better since he’s been back at daycare. I think I was just boring him at home.
Okay I know I only have three for my non-favourites, but honestly I love this little man to pieces and even when he drives me crazy, I am forever grateful to be his mama.
Thanks for taking the time to read all about my little babe. What is your favourite memory with your child?