It is no secret that we are product junkies! We love trying out different beauty products, home goods, fashion items,- you name it, we love trying it all!
Read MoreDo you love shopping for clothes or dread the thought of it? We have the perfect list of five wardrobe essentials to help on your next trip!
Read MoreI was one of those women who always assumed that if and when I wanted to have a baby, it would just happen.
Read MoreWhen I first found out I was pregnant with Nora aside from all of the excitement, happiness, anxiety and nervousness one of the first things…
Read MoreRaise your hand if you are a makeup junkie! We’ve mentioned it more than a few times…but we’re slightly obsessed!
Read MoreThe years are short and the days are long. Such a cliché yet it could not be more true. It’s really hard to believe a whole year has gone by.
Read MoreWe are makeup junkies! Most days, we are makeup free because let’s be honest, there’s only so much time in a day!
Read MoreAs mothers, we have spent hours upon hours trying to teach our babes to say their first words. It’s one of those moments you never will forget.
Read MoreCongratulations! You’re a new mom and have this beautiful bundle of joy that you love more than anything in the entire world.
Read MoreWhen you are pregnant and nearing the end of your due date, one piece of advice you often hear is “sleep when the baby sleeps”. Please take this advice!
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