Five Self-Care Ideas


What fuels your fire? The old saying is true, you can’t pour from an empty cup. I’ve referenced my career in Human Resources a couple of times throughout our blogging journey, and I’m going to draw on it again. One of my favourite programs is Franklin Covey’s Five Choice to Extraordinary Productivity. I love it so much that I am certified to facilitate it! The course focuses on ways to maximize productivity both at work and at home, but my favourite topic is choice 5; Fuel your Fire. We all get so burnt out from our daily lives that sometimes it feels next to impossible to make some time for yourself. And let’s face it, as mamas, we tend to lose ourselves in everything else going on around us. We give every ounce of our being to our families that by the end of the day, we all but collapse. So how do you make the time to fill your cup? I’m sharing five self-care ideas that cost little to no money! You’ve earned it!

1. Take a bubble bath

  • What’s more relaxing that soaking in a nice warm tub? Pour yourself a glass of wine, light some candles, put on some music and just breathe.

2. Go for a walk

  • Sometimes a 5 or 10 minute break is all you need. Get out of the house where you can fully disconnect from your responsibilities and get some fresh air.

3. Workout

  • There’s something about a good workout that instantly puts me in a good mood.  

4. Go for coffee

  • Whether you choose to go alone or with a friend, enjoying a cup of hot coffee is a luxury these days!

5.       Practice guided meditation/mindfulness

  • The app “Headspace” is a favourite of mine. Lock yourself in your bedroom and turn on a session to take some deep breaths and focus on yourself.  

What is your favourite self-care activity?                            
